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At Souls Harbor we have ministries geared toward individuals at every milestone of life. These ministries meet throughout the week. Find out a little about the different ministries at Souls Harbor below.

Christian Education~Sunday School

Sunday mornings, before our morning service, we have Sunday School classes for all ages. Whether you are 2 months, or over 102, we have a class that will help build a solid biblical foundation in your life as we pursue living for our Savior! Sunday School starts at 9:30am every Sunday morning.

Gender Specific Ministry

Every young man and young lady asks themself this question at some point in their life, "Do I have what it takes to be a man/woman of God"? Wednesday nights at Soul's Harbor we have Girl's Ministries and Royal Rangers - two unique programs that are designed to help a young man or young lady answer that question. Boys and girls from K-12 are welcome.

Men's Ministry


What does it mean to be a man in today's culture? How can I make a difference in the life of those that my Creator brings me into contact with day by day. He made me for a purpose, how do I pursue the adventure that I am called to? Find out more about our Men's Ministries by visiting our page.

Outreach Ministry
We are excited to offer this new ministry. More information coming soon!

Women's Ministry

The Goal of Women's Ministries is:

  • Minister to every woman according to her current need

  • Create a network of born-again women to uplift and mentor one another thru different stages of her life

  • Convey a passion for missions thru prayer and support

Find out more about Women's Ministries by visiting our page!

Young Adults Ministry

We are excited to offer this new ministry. More information coming soon!

Youth Ministry

Our Youth Group meet every Wednesday. Students in grades 6 to 12 are invited to attend. If your Student wants to be challenged to walk deeper in their faith and to develop a relationship with a group of friends that will lift them up to Jesus when they need help, then come visit! Make new friends and/or bring a friend to join in the fun. We do lots of activities for everyone to enjoy.

© 2023 by Souls Harbor Assembly of God

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